Centerville Mills Project - Legal Disclaimers

Content Copyright - All information on this site is property of its respective owner(s). All other information is the exclusive property of the Centerville Mills Project. All rights reserved. If your copyrighted information appears on our site and you wish to have it removed, please send an email to All external information is properly credited to the original source.

Tax Exempt Status - The Centerville Mills Project is not exempt from federal, state, and local taxes as outlined by the IRS, State of Ohio, and Geauga County.

Donation Acceptance - The Centerville Mills Project will accept donations from individuals in various payment methods including but not limited to cash, credit cards, checks, and PayPal®. Individuals who donate understand that their donations are not exempt from taxes and that the Centerville Mills Project must pay taxes and claim donations as income.

Non-Government Organization & Website - The Centerville Mills Project is not a government angency and is in no way, shape, or form affilated with or endorsed by Bainbridge Township. The Centerville Mills Project is a private organization.